Blood Test Instructions
Where can I have the test?
Melbourne Pathology is our preferred provider. You can find your nearest collection centre and their opening hours here.
For convenience, you can with your request also attend any community based pathology providers such as Australian Clinical Labs, Dorevitch Pathology, or 4Cyte Pathology.
When should I complete the test?
Unless advised otherwise, please aim to have the test taken at least 3 business days prior to your appointment.
I’ve been asked to complete a fasting blood test, what are the instructions?
Make sure you have nothing to eat or drink (other than water) for at least 8 hours. 12 hours is the optimal fasting period. It’s easiest to fast overnight and most tests are best to be done in the morning for accurate diagnosis.
You can drink water at any time, but you should not drink tea, coffee, soft drinks or fruit juice. Please do not fast for longer than 15 hours. It is unpleasant and can affect your results.
You are advised to avoid smoking, and not to chew gum. If you take medication, please continue to take your medication as prescribed.